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Postby parkernorth » Wed Feb 15, 2023 2:38 pm

Hi all.

I’m in the mountains of Colorado, and hunt mostly high country. I’ve been using an ‘04 arctic cat mountain cat for cutting and hauling dogs, but it finally gave up this season.

What sleds do you all use to access the deeper snow and still haul dogs/gear?

I’m considering the Yamaha VK 540 if I can find one new.

Looking forward to your opinions and experiences. Thanks!

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Re: Snowmobiles

Postby Beebout-it » Wed Feb 15, 2023 8:00 pm

I'm in the same boat, been running a artic cat bearcat 570 for a lot of years and I'm not man enough to wrestle it around anymore. I rode a brand new ski doo expedition 900 ace today and its a absolutely amazing machine but still to heavy to be manhandled. I think I'm going with the expedition with the 600 efi instead. Much lighter and plenty of horse power being a 2 stroke versus the 4 stroke. I really like how quite those 4 strokes are and not having to buy expensive oil sounds nice. Most cat hunters I know run the tundra and love them but they are very narrow so kind of a pain if u need to have two people on it. I've been searching around and finding a new sled right now isn't the easiest thing to do, everyone I've talked to wants you to snowcheck 1 but can't give you a date it will show up .
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Re: Snowmobiles

Postby parkernorth » Sat Feb 18, 2023 4:59 pm

I’ve heard good thing about the Tundra. I like the idea of the wider track on the vk 540 though. How do those expeditions do when you have to get off trail here and there?

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Re: Snowmobiles

Postby Beebout-it » Sun Feb 19, 2023 12:31 am

Seems to do great plenty of power and I believe there is a wide track option

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