Here is the deal, trappers have the right to trap....we have the right to run our hounds. I have no problem with trappers, i even trap myself once in awhile. Whenever I run into a trapper, i stop to talk to them, I'm always nice and they usually always tell me what areas they are trapping. I have had my dogs caught in traps before, IT HAPPENS!! I have had my dogs killed by wolves before...IT HAPPENS! I have had my dogs killed by bear before.....IT HAPPENS. I have had my dogs hit on the highway before IT HAPPENS!
So you want to ban trapping, why not ban highways or other people driving on mountain roads or mean bear, lol
The bottom line is People need to mind their own (beep) business and leave everybody else alone. We don't own the woods and we sure as hell don't have any more right to critters then the trappers do. If a trapper is trapping in an area where i hunt....great, i have no problem with that. If they don't harass me i don't harass them.. VERY SIMPLE I don't understand why some of you hound hunters think you own the woods.
Trapping on Public Land
- Lee Wolford
- Tight Mouth
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- Tight Mouth
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Re: Trapping on Public Land
Whether you agree with trapping or not i thinks it in a houndsman's best interest to stay in the trappers good graces. There are a heck of a lot of more people who agree with trapping then agree with hound hunting, just saying. The second you try and pull there right to public lands your gonna make an enemy for life and the very next time running bears is under the gun the trappers are gonna say what the hell do I care about hounds. And there gonna stay home when it comes time to vote. In stead of saying "you know that Tex Adams is a good dude, I don't get the hound thing but I know he likes it and I don't wanna see his dogs taken from him". Or at least I think that's how a democracy works.
Anyhow, it's not hard at all to trap break dogs. 100 percent of the spots I hunted from December 1 to February 28 we're absolutely riddled with other peoples snares, foot holds, and conibears. I never once had a problem. I took my dogs every time I would check my own traps and never had a problem.
I guess worst case you can get the city dog walkers on your side when it comes time to vote. They know nothing about hounds or trapping and they out number both groups, and also get to vote. Hahaha gotta love that democracy
Anyhow, it's not hard at all to trap break dogs. 100 percent of the spots I hunted from December 1 to February 28 we're absolutely riddled with other peoples snares, foot holds, and conibears. I never once had a problem. I took my dogs every time I would check my own traps and never had a problem.
I guess worst case you can get the city dog walkers on your side when it comes time to vote. They know nothing about hounds or trapping and they out number both groups, and also get to vote. Hahaha gotta love that democracy
Re: Trapping on Public Land
dogs shouldn't be on public land during trapping season....unless yer gonna assume responsibility for your dogs....dogs and I dont give a rats ass if it is a hunting dog or a pet....dogs are on public land 12 months of the year...trappers are asking for 3
Re: Trapping on Public Land
for those who believe that you can "train" a hunting dog to avoid traps and snares....ARE YOU ON CRACK? You're either ignorant, stupid or both. Are you trappers really that stupid?
Trappers are the laziest "slobs" in the sporting game business. These no good bums indiscriminately set out traps/snares that will maim and kill ANYTHING that steps into it...hunting dogs included.
Cal Taylor, I thought you were smarter than that. Anyway, any of you no good POS's that catch and harm/kill my hunting dog...I'll be waiting for you to be running your trapline and oh my what "catch" are you going to find! I don't care if you're a weekend trapper, govt. trapper or whatever, don't be catching my dog. hmm, how will a conibear or snare fit on you?!?!?
Hunting dogs shouldn't be on public lands? Screw you, Big Sky. How about trappers shouldn't be on public lands. There is nothing responsible about setting a trap. Catch my dog, Big Sky and I'll show you who is the king of public lands
Trappers are the laziest "slobs" in the sporting game business. These no good bums indiscriminately set out traps/snares that will maim and kill ANYTHING that steps into it...hunting dogs included.
Cal Taylor, I thought you were smarter than that. Anyway, any of you no good POS's that catch and harm/kill my hunting dog...I'll be waiting for you to be running your trapline and oh my what "catch" are you going to find! I don't care if you're a weekend trapper, govt. trapper or whatever, don't be catching my dog. hmm, how will a conibear or snare fit on you?!?!?
Hunting dogs shouldn't be on public lands? Screw you, Big Sky. How about trappers shouldn't be on public lands. There is nothing responsible about setting a trap. Catch my dog, Big Sky and I'll show you who is the king of public lands
- Silent Mouth
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Re: Trapping on Public Land
Hunters & Trappers need to be all on the same team, and manage our conflicts internally. In Western NC we have Aug.15- the end of March to run dogs on public land, during that time period all other hunting/trapping seasons take place a well. There are a couple weeks of deer rifle season where we (houndsmen) are permitted to train dogs, but most choose not to in order to minimize unnecessary conflicts with deer hunters. Sometimes we(hunters & trappers) need to work things out amongst ourselves so we all can continue to enjoy our way of life.
- Tight Mouth
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- Bawl Mouth
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Re: Trapping on Public Land
Hi guys 8m one of those lazy trappers from onterio and also have a pack of bear hounds and I think we have to place this discussion in the right sights we need to represent each other and not be selfish we can't be tricked into fighting each other as hunter's weather you catch your game in a trap or shoot it out in front of your hounds we are all hunters I personally don't like the name sportsmen it makes it sound like we are all a bunch of people out playing a game or sport like basketball or football but we are all involved in the same thing let's not separate into groups based on our choices of how we choose to hunt .secondly how about we put our own self second and put somone else first if you are only willing to fight for what you can get for your self like a little brat in the sand box kicking and screaming to get his or her own way so I ask each one of us today what are you willing to give up to allow somone else the time and space to do the things they love to do in the place that you also love to be in are you willing to share as a houndsman the place you love to hunt are you willing to give up a certain kind of trapping for a few weeks as a trapper and consentrate on other but this thinking still leaves us comparring two sides only of a three sided the third party in this discussion that fades back into the shadows while we hunters threaten each other and devour each other is not willing to share puplic land with hunters of any kind not the trapping hunter or the hound hunter not the tree stand hunter not the squirrel hunter not the rat trapper hunter not the rabbit hunter no hunter will they share their land with they will not reson with you or me they don't enjoy your way of hunting or my way of trapping tge enjoy walking there dog on puplic land and discussing how to keep my hounds and your traps off of it . So please fellow hunters come let us reson together let's share the asome heritage we have no matter what state or province we are from let's lay down our own selfish ambitious of what we can get for ourselves today and join together and win this fight so we can give this victory to the hunter of the tommorows. So with that I want to apologize for and to any other hunter that I did not help in a professional and team effort please forgive me for my selfishness I want to make a commitment to stand as hunters and and represent these future hunters that they may have the right to hunt because we chose to share it with others and them thanks for reading and keep looking my friends
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